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Mindelo Capital da cultura de Cabo verde

Cidade da Diva Cesária  Évora

5dias/24 de Junho á 30 de Junho de 2014


 .Workshops : kizomba, kaizen dance , dança contemporânea ,danças Cabo -Verdianas

 Participação de mais de 20 artistas  : 

- Espectáculos de  várias companhias de dança

- Noites Cabo-verdianas; 

Não perca esta excelente oportunidade faça a sua inscrição!

Total de visitas: 3863
Cape Verde is one of 21 “must-see destination
Cape Verde is one of 21 “must-see destination

Cape Verde is one of 21 “must-see tourist destinations” in 2014 according to the National Geographic magazine in its end-of-year issue.

Described as being nascent and a little-known hideaway, the magazine highlights the fact that it is the birthplace of the “barefoot diva” Cesária Évora.

The feeling of visiting superficial islands such as Brava, the valleys of Santo Antão, Boa Vista’s dunes and Chã das Caldeiras on the slopes of the Fogo volcano were conveyed by journalist Anja Mutic who travelled Cape Verde’s many tourist attractions.

According to the latest World Tourism Organisation barometer, Cape Verde has the highest tourist arrivals growth rate with 27 percent growth in sub-Saharan Africa, with Algeria (16 percent), Madagascar (15 percent), Réunion (12 percent) and the Seychelles (11 percent) all coming second, third, fourth and fifth respectively.

By: D.R.B. -